Connect WhatsApp Returns by Rabbit to Sendcloud
Pair sendcloud with Rabbit Messenger to activate WhatsApp Returns.
1. Connect sendcloud
- Go to
- Log in.
- Go to “settings” and click on “integrations”.
- Search for “Sendcloud API” and click “Connect”.
- Under name, enter “Rabbit Messenger”.
- Check “Webhook Feedback Enabled”.
- Enter at “Webhook URL:”.
- Click “Save”.
2. Share API data
- Share to Rabbit the “Public key” and “Secret key”.
- This can be done by messaging it to +31 (0)85 486 8846.
- Or email
Please note: By default, all returns require approval. If you want to automate this, use rules.
3. Set rules (optional)
- Go to “returns” and click on “return rules”.
- Click on “New return rule”.
- Under conditions, turn on “Match ANY of the conditions of this rule”.
- For example: If “From country” “is” “Netherlands”.
- Under actions then set to “No approval required for this return requested”.
- Click “Save return rule”.